Is this a zombie or “kore wa zombie desu ka? is a Japanese female zombie anime made over the light novel series “kore wa zombie desu ka?” written by Shinichiro Kimura, the novel was published by Fujimi shobo on 20 January 2009. the book has 8 volumes in total originally. the book was first published as a manga in a well kown magazine monthly dragon age in 2010. later on, it was aired as an anime television series consisting of 12 episodes by “funimations”. series was first aired in 2011 on television Saitama.
Is This A Zombie Season 1 And Season 2 Plot?
The sorry is about a 16-year-old sophomore “AYUMU AIKAWA who was brutally murdered by a serial killer. but soon, he wakes up, and finds a cryptic girl near him, she tells ayumu that she is a necromancer, practicing black magic and resurrected him into a zombies body with power. Now that he was alive again he began to look for his killer for revenge. One day while searching he comes across a magical girl with a chainsaw in her hands called Haruna in a cemetery. she was fighting a beast after killing it Haruna tried to erase ayumus memory but, instead, ayumu ended up absorbing all her powers and now he was responsible for executing all the megalos and protecting humans from the beasts. Season 1 is full of thrill, action, and strange things.
Season 2 shows ayumu who was a zombie suddenly waking up around a group of 3 mystifying girls out of which one was a vampire ninja, who had an intense dislike toward ayumu , a necromancer who never spoke, and a masou shoju who was a very active and energetic girl. later in the series aymu wanted to know the reason behind his early unjustified death and the murderer who killed him. while searching for answers to these questions he falls into much bigger problems and conflicts. The second season mainly feels more of comedy genre and less action.
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Is This A Zombie Season 3? Releasing Or Canceled?
There is no official statement made yet neither by the company nor the manga but we can still have a hope of “is this a zombie” returning for season 3 after 8 years. The first and second season was aired on 11 January 2011. there is going to be a big gap between season 2 and 3. It is also rumored that the anime-making company has rant out of source or plot for season 3 .The series is very plain and has a little bit of comedy. But because the series is very unpredictable and incalculable with strange things happening most of the time we still have hope for season three, and wait for the company to give any green signal to season 3 rumor news.
Is This A Zombie Season 3 Cast? Is A New Cast Entry Possible?
Since there is very little chance for the anime to return for another season but if by any chance it comes many old characters will return. a new caste entry we expect is that Mariko Honda may be playing as Lilia Lilith in the next expected season.
- Ayumu Aikawa, PLAYED BY Junji Majima
- Haruna PERFORMED BY Iori Noimizu
- Seraphim Midori PLAYING Eucliwood Hellscythe
- Tsukimiya EXECUTED BY Yoko Hikasa
- Yuki Yoshida PLAYED BY Hisako Kanemoto
- AND , Kyoko Noriko PERFORMED BY Shitay
Is This A Zombie Season 3? Official Trailer Relased ?
there is no official trailer out for season 3, but we are desperately waiting for one. you can easily stream “is it a zombie” anime on Funimation and manga on the manga reader website easily. Trailers for season 1 and season 2 are already available on youtube. if there would be any news related to the season 3 trailer we will be updating the content.
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